I read a lot of books and am always looking for a good recommendation. So when I saw Mark Schaefer’s plug for Brains on Fire in his post entitled The Spirituality of Social Media, I figured I’d check it out as I respect Mark’s opinions and the term “profound admiration,” is pretty serious.
After reading the book by Robbin Phillips, Greg Cordell, Geno Church, and Spike Jones I can safely say that Mark’s description was well deserved. Instead of focusing on tactics to increase engagement within social networks, the Brains on Fire team creates movements. The book encourages readers to embrace their core audience and find out what they are passionate about in order to build a true movement for their company or cause.
The examples in the book of Fiskars Fiskateers, the Love146 and Rage Against Haze were inspirational. You just need to listen and engage with the people.
Brains on Fire was a book that moved me and is one that I strongly suggest you pick up and give a read, you’ll be happy that you did.
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