If you’ve hung around the PR Breakfast Club for even a short amount of time, you know these bloggers subscribe to the “give more to get more” mantra. In fact, I’m amazed at how willing my “online” friends are to share information … give advice … lend an ear.
But, generosity doesn’t stop there. It’s heart-warming to see how many individuals are using their platforms to do some good. As the holidays approach, what’s better than social media for social good, right? Some recent examples:
- Justin Goldsborough is featuring 30 Causes in 30 Days on his blog to raise awareness about a host of causes.
- Ken Burbary recently raised more than $8,000 to help his friend’s family who was going through a tragedy.
- The TechforGood meetup in New York City brings together new media and advocacy professionals to share knowledge
- Shonali Burke helped organize the #shonalitweetup during the PRSA conference, with money raised benefiting Musicians on Call, this month’s 12for12K charity.
- For her 21st birthday, Cheryl Harrison is asking her blog readers to make a donation to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank in lieu of buying her a drink.
The list could go on and on. And, count me in. To mark the Dec. 1 launch of my own company, Geben Communication, I’m running a contest to identify a worthy nonprofit to which I’ll donate my PR services in December. (Take a second and nominate your favorite nonprofit here!)
We’re still living in a challenging economy. Times are tough, I get that. But, I honestly believe that each of us has the capacity and resources to help someone less fortunate that ourselves — whether it’s raising money for a great cause or simply tweeting/blogging information about a nonprofit making a difference in your own community.
So, I’ll leave you with this: As the holidays near, what will you do to make a difference in your own community? Let’s brainstorm ideas in the comments.
On December 1, Heather Whaling is launching her own communication firm, Geben Communication, to provide public relations, marketing and social media services to small businesses and nonprofit organizations. An award-winning, seasoned communicator with nearly 10 years of experience, Heather fuses strategic thinking, strong writing skills and creativity to deliver integrated public relations and marketing results to help clients achieve their business goals. Connect with her on her blog, Twitter or via email at heather [at] gebencommunication.com.
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