More Auto-DM fails…

In our semi-continuing series of automatic direct message fails, we’ve compiled enough new ones for a new post.  And so without further fanfare, some of my favorites (telling details and usernames removed, of course…)

  • Thanks for the follow! Let me show you a free app that will save you money [link] – Wow, thanks for the tip, glad you trust me so much.  I think I’ll pass this time.
  • Hi! I compiled a list of common student excuses. Take a look – suggest any I missed! My dog chewed my hard drive! [link] – Hi! No thanks!  Engage first please.
  • Hi! Thanks for following. Check out my followers – Umm, why?
  • Hi..Thanks for adding me:) Are you on LinkedIn? You can connect with me here: [link]  …Thanks, [Name] – Moving kinda fast there, no?  Will you write me a recommendation?  If you will then maybe…
  • Thank you for following [Company Name]. We are thrilled to do PR right the first time. – I’m thrilled you’re so excited. This one might be more effective if I didn’t received it twice.  Separated by 12 hours.
  • Thanks for following my tweets! I hope you enjoy them. You could also check out and even comment on my blog: [Link] – Can I really??? Golly!

Some relatively interesting stats pulled from my follower and following count.  Thanks to the folks at for making this easy.  Of my followers/followings:

  • 46 self-describe as gurus
  • 6 as ninjas, and
  • 1 as a social media or SM expert

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