Whenever I see the words PR and bloggers next to each other I can usually expect there to be a reference about how PR and bloggers work together to spread a brand’s messaging. Two years ago I was trying to grow my personal blog’s following and decided to launch a project and test out a few PR tactics. What happened was my following grew from my two family members to over 10,000 readers that month, I was interviewed on NPR: All Things Considered and featured on a number of national and regional media outlets including the New York Times and Chicago Tribune. (Oh, and I landed a book agent).
When I started my new blog, Ask a PR Girl, I knew that I wanted to find a way to teach bloggers how they could use PR tactics to grow their readership and create new opportunities for their business. Earlier this month, I launched a series called 5 days of PR for bloggers that taught bloggers how to leverage PR tactics for their blog.
Here are a few things they learned along the way:
Cassie is a writer, social media specialist, entrepreneur and PR girl who has built digital programs for Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, small businesses and bloggers. You can find her shelling out PR and career advice weekly at AskaPRGirl.com