Show of virtual hands. How many of you have said at some point this year, “I’ve got to read that book by (insert author here)!” I’ll raise mine, because I’ve said this at least five or six times in 2013.
Here at PRBC, we love to read and gain a better grasp of what is going on in public relations, social media, technology, and marketing. To further our knowledge and yours, here are a few good books to get or download this holiday season.
Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds For The Better by Clive Thompson (recommended by @PRCog)
Technology continues to help businesses and individuals evolve and make us better. While some may doubt technology’s assistance, Clive Thompson is a full-fledged backer that technology is great for our evolution.
According to the review on Amazon, Thompson’s book: “Smarter Than You Think isn’t just about pioneers, nor is it simply concerned with the world we inhabit today. It’s about our future. How are computers improving our memory? How will our social “sixth sense” change the way we learn? Which tools are boosting our intelligence — and which ones are hindering our progress? Smarter Than You Think embraces and interrogates this transformation, offering a provocative vision of our shifting cognitive landscape.”
Digital Marketing Analytics: Making Sense of Consumer Data in a Digital World by Chuck Hemann and Ken Burbary
I have a world of respect for Chuck Hemann, who is always one of the best when it comes to “humanizing” analytics. Let’s face it, in this day and age, understanding analytics is paramount in PR and marketing. This book goes a long way to helping you understand the how and why.
From the Barnes & Noble review: “Scope it out, pick your tools, learn to listen, get the metrics right, and then distill your digital data for maximum value for everything from R&D to CRM to social media marketing. Use analysis to craft experiences that profoundly reflect each customer’s needs, expectations, and behaviors; measure real social media ROI: sales, leads, and customer satisfaction; and track the performance of all paid, earned, and owned social media channels.”
If you are looking for a book to give that analytics geek, this is the one.
Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional by Deirdre Breakenridge
Deirdre is one of the top voices in what has been called the “PR 2.0” world. If you haven’t read one of her books, you are missing out. In Deirdre’s latest book, she teaches and demonstrates the eight new skills and mindsets PR/marketing pros need to build brands and engage customers in a social world. This book isn’t just for new pros and students, it’s great for experienced pros who are looking to gain an advantage in this social world.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This book was first published in 1937, but still has plenty of use in 2013. As a matter of fact, it may mean more today than it did in the 30s. Carnegie’s teachings can make you a better marketer, PR pro, and social media engager. Nuggets like, “Winning friends begins with friendliness” and “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you” make this an absolute must-have. My father-in-law passed down his tattered copy from when he first started in the insurance business. I found the book invaluable when I started my business in 2010 and still refer to it often.
Did we miss any? What books would you add to our holiday gift list? Let us know in the comments.