You’ve seen Terminator 2. And if you haven’t, stop reading this post. We are not friends. Watch the movie, then come back here, so we can resume our regularly-scheduled friendship.
Hint: If you haven’t seen the movie, this is where you should say “Stay here, I’ll be back.” I’ll wait.
Now that we’re all on the same page (and friends again), you are quite familiar with Judgment Day, the day where the robots take over and life as we know it ends.
Catastrophes and crises happen, especially in the PR world. Every publicist has a “war story.” Or ten. Some of the juicier ones I’ve been a part of: a mall fired their Santa, 90% of media passes were revoked by the client 24 hours before a major-name hiphop/R&B concert, and a basketball team’s two biggest stars basically sat out a full-season injured. Oh, there are more. Continue reading