With the holidays nearly upon us, that can mean only one thing: No, not the delirious joy of gifts, treats and many days off from school that a little kid surely feels, but instead, the dreaded gloom of holiday shopping, fighting insane traffic and with multiple stresses at work and home as you try to get everything done before the mad dash of the great trifecta of family, friends and food overtakes you.
Lost in all of that is the fact that this can be a really difficult time for many. It can even be downright depressing, with the awful weather and the realization that it is at least five or six long months until summer begins. So in a professional service world of PR/marketing/advertising, staying motivated and enthusiastic for what lies ahead can be a bit difficult.
That brings me to this question: What motivates you? Not only throughout the entire year at work, but especially during the holidays when all of the stresses—personally and professionally—seem to come together simultaneously? What makes you jazzed to do what you do?
I really want to hear from you guys about this, so I’m going to give you a short peek into what keeps me motivated (both personally and professionally). But please, chime in with your motivators below, and let’s help each other have a happy, safe and motivated holiday season of placements, op-eds and online engagement!
- Running
- I find the majority of my personal and professional motivation from running. It’s my outlet and my source for idea generation, creativity and daydreaming about the possibilities of life.
- My recent engagement to my beautiful bride-to-be Laura
- She keeps me grounded like no one has ever been able to do before, and yet, she also knows exactly which button to push to get me motivated to go far beyond what I thought was my own potential.
- Doing something with the goal of helping others
- This is going to sound a bit self-absorbed, but it’s very true for me: Reading the comments and seeing what looks to be a positive impact that the PR Breakfast Club has had on others in this great business is a bit motivator for me. We started this site/blog to help you all. Plain and simple.
- Whether it’s meeting someone in real life who has written a nice comment on the blog at a bar in New York City, or chatting with some great folks on Twitter, the many readers we have already garnered have been tremendous and greatly appreciated. I know I speak for everyone who writes for PRBC when I give you all a tremendous thanks for your support and keeping us in check with many of the ideas we throw out on a daily basis.