We’re very excited to present to you today a combination of fantastically informative features and the opportunity for you NYC-area folks to get the chance to win free tickets to see marketing superstars Gini Dietrich and Geoff Livingston at their G2 Marketing in the Round training, on June 20th, 2012 from 4:00p to 7:30p, which is based on their new volume Marketing in the Round.
Following the training, the two marketers will be joined by Michael Schecher, digital marketing director for Honora Pearls, to conduct a panel discussing best practices in integrated multichannel marketing programs to be moderated, by yours truly – Nathan Burgess.
Even if you don’t win the free tickets, we’ve got a discount code for $20 off the ticket price for when you decide you’d like to attend.
And so, without further adieu, a brief into to the concepts presented in Marketing in the Round and at the end of the page a download link for the excerpt and discount code for the event. Continue reading