Alongside the announcement of Google’s acquisition of Motorola the companies pulled some additional quotes from other Android partners. Take a quick look at the quotes below. Underlines are mine. You tell me, which ones of these things is just like the others…
Update:Since this post was written there have been a number of new quotes added to the page in question above. Then again, this little item also popped up:
“We welcome today’s news, which demonstrates Google’s deep commitment to defending Android, its partners, and the ecosystem.”
– J.K. Shin, President, Samsung, Mobile Communications Division
“I welcome Google‘s commitment to defending Android and its partners.”
– Bert Nordberg, President & CEO, Sony Ericsson
“We welcome the news of today‘s acquisition, which demonstrates that Google is deeply committed to defending Android, its partners, and the entire ecosystem.”
– Peter Chou, CEO, HTC Corp.
“We welcome Google‘s commitment to defending Android and its partners.”
– Jong-Seok Park, Ph.D, President & CEO, LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company
I certainly don’t know who was in charge of rounding up these responses, but obviously someone dropped a ball somewhere – either by not looking at these side-by-side, by recommending similar language or somewhere else. But it does provide two great learning experiences:
a) Don’t do this – check partner quotes so that they don’t appear quite so identical, and
b) Snafus like this can happen to anyone, at any size company on any size of announcement. So if it happens to you, learn from it and move on.
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