

So, not withstanding my best efforts to anonymize my ‘Auto-dm’ posts, a loyal reader (we are after all one of her “favourite blogs” according to her own words 🙂 ) noticed her own auto-dm in last week’s update of my ‘Auto-dm’ fails series.


Unlike some of my other posts taking PR/SM folks and agencies to task the auto-dm posts are, of course, intended to be light-hearted (even I, at one point, have used auto-dms in my own Twitter history).  Thankfully this reader/blogger/PR pro – Whitney Punchak – took it that way, and even graced us with a great video response that deserves a viewing from everyone.  Check it out below (and keep reading below the vid 🙂 ).

Definitely a defensible position (though I do think not enough people love books, or at least the right kind of books, which is, of course, unfortunate – as is my utter abuse of commas in this sentence) and perfectly reasoned.  Which is fantastic.

Even better Whitney raises some good points about formulating a good marketing plan and asks a great question – can we PR people be too nit-picky on details?  Let us know what you think (and I’m sure Whitney would also like to know your favorite book as well)!  Comments below, are – as always – open.

Oh, and since I promised when getting approval from Whitney to post this – my favorite books are (no, I don’t just have one) – The Stranger, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Stranger in a Strange Land (or something else from Heinlein’s Lazarus Long series – I bounce around on that one).