Starting today and running through until Labor Day we’re featuring 5 posts from around the web you may have missed probably worth your attention. We’ll be rotating off who’s curating the posts so you’ll get a slightly different perspective each week.
And so, without further adieu, this week’s Friday Five (and none of them are about a certain social network’s IPO…at least not this week):
- Brands Can Now Turn Their Facebook Timeline Into a Movie
- Three Quick Steps for Turning Content into Conversations about Your Business
- Lawmakers Call for an End to Internet Anonymity (well this would’ve screwed me!)
- 10 Things You Can (And Should) Do On LinkedIn
- Google Analytics Social Reports Provide Huge Metrics Edge
- Richard Dreyfuss Blasts Zuckerberg, Brin at the Webbys [VIDEO] (Bonus 6th!)
See you Tuesday!!