Tag Archives: con edison

Catch Us Live…

This post’ll be at the top of the page for a few days. Daily posts appear below this one starting at 12:01 a.m. Eastern.

As some of you may have caught through our prior tweets, members of the PRBC will be presenting at Ragan’s 2010 Best Practices in Media Relations Summit on March 3, 2010 in New York City.

In addition to hearing some of your favorite (hush, we know it’s true) PRBC-ers — Mr. Trivitt, Ms. Dueitt, Ms. Cyr, Ms. Khoury, Ms. Greco, and yours truly — pontificate on social media, there are other unbelievable speakers, from some fantastic companies, you definitely shouldn’t miss.  What organizations you ask? Oh let’s see here, companies like – Ketchum, BusinessWeek, Levick, USA Today, Edelman, Dow Jones, etc…

Check out all the description and presenter info at the link above, register and we’ll see you there.  Knowing us, it’s also not entirely impossible that there will be some post-event festivities (#JustSayin’).  Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.
