Look around your office. Look at your pens, pads, folders and folios. How many company names do you see? I recently did a similar activity in my own office and came to the conclusion that pens must be the universal tchotchke. I’ve got them from doctors, printers, marketers, spas, salons, clothiers and many others. And, to be blunt, I pay little if any attention to the name on the pen. I am, however, the type to note the pen’s make and model and see if I can order it, nameless, from an office supplier.
By no means am I discounting the value of promotional products. I am, however, saying that a pen isn’t for everyone. My boss recently brought me, what I currently consider to be, a brilliant tchotchke – a rain gauge branded with the name of a garden center. Now that makes sense. People can purchase their planting materials and acquire a relevant, branded add-on with their purchase. One, nonetheless, that they are very likely to use. Continue reading