With the year winding down it’s that time of year – list season. Top XX blog to follow in the new year, Top twitter users you should be paying attention to, Top New York canines who tweet about music you should follow.
Now being on a well curated list is exciting – a new audience finds your message and you can reach more people – both good things. Assuming you respect the person making the list all the better.
Now here’s the thing about making and building a list, and it’s based on a lesson my college newspaper boss told me during a period when we were having production issues (the images were constantly sub-par) – “Would you want your headshot printed if it came out like that?” Do you want those on your list to be proud to be on the list? If your list is of sub-par quality (by whatever standard you set) those who do belong there question whether they really want to be on it to begin with.
Consider, for example, Continue reading