Tag Archives: tweeting

Learn More, Tweet Less

Rear view of boy with apple behind his back and front view of teacher sitting at desk (10-11)Some of you may have noticed that my Twitter stream isn’t as robust these days.  There aren’t as many blog posts, news articles and conversations flowing.  To be rather blunt, I simply haven’t felt like tweeting.  I’ve snuck onto the web occasionally and opened the TweetDeck a couple of times, but the ‘new tweet’ alerts haven’t been as alluring.  Some days, I’ve felt self-imposed pressure to tweet, as though I wasn’t living up to expectations.  Other days, I’ve felt like the site of that demonic little black and red alert box blocking the ability to close documents was more than I could take.

While the motives for my lack of tweeting are a bit unclear, even to me, and I really have no clue where I would have found the time to tweet more than I have been, I’ve learned some really important lessons while tweeting less.  Lessons that I will carry with me if/when I decided to start bombarding your Twitter stream again. Continue reading

What the HECK do my clients think? Spending a bit too much time on Twitter…?

ScreenHunter_03 Oct. 18 15.51Please tell me I’m not the only one. You sit at your desk, trying to hold in the giggles from something brilliantly funny that just popped into your head. “I have to tweet that! I’m a genius!” you say. (Ok, that’s a bit far from what I say to myself, but you get the point.)

But wait! My client Scooby Doo Scuba Gear follows me on Twitter . . . Shoot! I can’t tweet that. They will see it. They will think I’m nuts. Continue reading