As soon as we decided that #PRBC would be making the move from a hash-tag on Twitter to a daily blog, I knew I wanted my column to be all about starting out in the PR industry, since that’s the point where I’m at in my professional life. Through Flack In Training, I’ve tried my best to help all you amazing readers navigate your way through the job search and the beginning of your exciting careers. Now I (and all the other PRBC’ers of course) want to continue to help, only in a completely different way.
Starting today, we’re launching our brand new “Pitch Yourself” feature. If sending out dozens of resumes and networking your butt off hasn’t helped you land the PR job you’ve been looking for, then maybe your very own post on PR Breakfast Club will. But it won’t be that simple. I mean, we’re not just going to WRITE about you, that would be way too easy. Here’s how it works:
1. Shoot us an e-mail at Pretend that you’re your very own publicist and pitch yourself!
2. If we’re interested, we’ll contact you to set up a Skype video chat where you’ll have to answer our astoundingly difficult (kidding) interview questions.
3. The interview will be posted on PRBC, where you’ll get your moment to be featured and your opportunity to share yourself with our entire audience of PR professionals (who might just be working for agencies that are hiring).
“Pitch Yourself” is open to job seekers of ALL ages- not just entry-level. And since we occasionally like to show some mercy, we won’t post the video if it’s really terrible. We’re trying to help, not hinder, your job search.
We’re looking forward to seeing what you all have to offer! Have questions? Don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail.
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