Legos were a fundamental part of my childhood and I am sure many others’ as well. That said, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that I found LegoClick intriguing. While it is, at its core, a social network, Lego has taken great strides to integrate its effort into other SM tools.
This new community comes complete with its own hashtag (#Legoclick) and YouTube videos, encourages interaction through Flickr and showcases user photos of some impressive Lego creations. The question is, is this enough to keep adults engaged?
I raise the question of adults, because LegoClick is intended to be a community of inventors. Mashable reports it is a community to share visions about new products and toys. So, are Legos destined to become the new water cooler buzz and lunch hour stress buster?
If creativity strikes, there is an iPhone app for LegoClick, presumably aimed at making this community seamlessly integrate into everyday life like Facebook and Twitter apps. But is it too much? Are iPhone users, and other adults, really going to buy into LegoClick? Or should this be for the 13-18 demographic? The current Lego users, recent but former Lego users, and other inventive types in this demographic?
While there is something inherently compelling about (potentially) influencing Lego’s product development team, is it enough to get adults to slot contributing creative ideas to Lego into their daily agenda? Yes, they have extended their efforts to platforms such as Twitter and Flickr which already have a loyal user base, but it that enough to make this work? If not, what would it take to make LegoClick an instant success?
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