To me, bloggers are like pit bulls (I love pit bulls). Most of them are nice, loyal and even affectionate. But some really aggressive ones have given the whole species a bad name.
Because some bloggers have replied with grumpy emails or have even publicly criticized brands who try to approach them, many PR pros and marketers are stumped when it comes to choosing which bloggers to contact about potentially representing their brand. Continue reading →
Press release optimization involves a number of factors, not the least of which is being sure you reach the right person, actually reads it, digs it and uses it. You appeal to two different audiences with the releases you send. One group is the consumers you hope to sway, but the other is the all-important collection of influencers who will dictate how far your release spreads.
Who are the definitive voices in your industry? You know the kind, the people that other people listen to – the ones at the cool kids’ table? Continue reading →
…..a chance to start the day off right.