Social media’s integration with public relations and marketing is still “new.” There are some that are slow to truly understand how we, as PR and marketing pros, can make all these puzzle pieces fit. When is Twitter relevant for my business. Why do I need a Facebook page? What will a blog really do for me?
If you’ve been asked those questions (and I have), you’ll find great support in reading David Meerman Scott’s, “The New Rules of Marketing and PR.” Now in its third edition, it is essential for any up-and-coming pro. Heck, you should read it as a experienced one, too.
The process of how social media can benefit us, our clients, and our employers is evolving daily. Prior to opening Scott’s book, I had not read any of the previous editions. But in reading the third, I picked up so many tips that I was blown away.
At some point, we have had to convince and communicate to higher-ups (or even clients), the value of one of the social networks. In the chapter titled, “Social Networking Sites and Marketing,” Scott lays out a perfect example of a naysayer for Twitter.
“…Or they tell me they are reluctant to try Twitter because they don’t know how to measure the results. But those reactions are based on fear. People are reluctant to try Twitter because it is new and different.”
Scott cites the case of a veterinary practice that specializes in equine services uses Twitter. Now, at first glance you’d probably think, “Why would a horse doctor use Twitter?” But Scott lays out why it IS working and how you can make it work for you.
The chapter I found especially helpful is on mobile marketing. Scott added this section thanks to the explosion of location-based services and how they are being used to market services and products.
If you feel like you don’t have a grasp on how mobile marketing can help you, reading this section of Scott’s book really gives you a good outline of the way to go.
There are so many books out there today that claim to give you the guidance and “must-read” how-to on marketing and social media. David Meerman Scott’s book is not full of hyperbole. It is one you can trust.
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