There is an old saying that knowledge is power, and this can also be applied to your social media campaigns. Knowing the data behind why people click on a particular post, what makes your site visitors share that post and who exactly is reading your content can result in a more targeted campaign that has a higher success rate. Continue reading →
Facebook’s mission is to make the world more open and connected. Since launching in 2004, Facebook has changed what it means to connect online and has empowered billions to share. But nearly a decade in, there is uncertainty about Facebook maintaining its top flight position due to changing demographics, competitors, copied innovation and a backlash to paid content strategy. The assumption has been Facebook is easy, the de facto, must-use social platform. A client says “we need social” – marketers would say “Facebook.” As strategists we can’t just assume Facebook is a go to solution moving forward. Continue reading →
If you’ve yet to see Part 1 of this fantastic interview with Social Media and overall Marketing smartie Mark Schaefer, head on over to the B2B Bliss Blog and take a read and a gander at the video interview with Elizabeth Sosnow. Also, subscribing wouldn’t be worst idea in the world either.
Or, if you’d like to be all wild and crazy about it, watch the below one first, then go watch part 1 as dessert ;). Continue reading →
buy viagra online at cheap price alt=”little-known facebook tricks” width=”300″ height=”200″ />If you’re like most marketers, you probably have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. Yet there’s no denying that the social networking behemoth is a great addition to your digital marketing presence, allowing you to expand your reach, increase your engagement and drive more people back to your website.
Facebook changes features and functionality on what seems like a weekly basis, so it can certainly be difficult to keep up with what’s new. And as a result of a slew of recent changes, you may not have noticed a number of updated features that give you more control over your Facebook page—and, by extension, your Facebook marketing efforts.
Consider this your cheat sheet. If you’re not already putting these features to work for your Facebook page, now’s a great time to start. Continue reading →
Are you thinking of trying to promote your restaurant in creative ways that will give you an edge from your competitors? Public relations in the restaurant industry are a little different than other industries because in order to run a successful restaurant, you have to have a love for the industry and the drive to keep it moving forward. Continue reading →
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Earlier this week, posted a blog titled, “8 Foods PR Pros Should Avoid.” When I first saw it tweeted, I thought that it may have a few foods that aren’t good as we are working. Maybe I shouldn’t have that chicken finger sub for lunch; should I bypass the Starbucks breakfast sandwich. Heck, maybe I should be skipping Starbucks altogether (ok, that’s not happening).
As I clicked the link and actually read the blog, it was neither about foods we shouldn’t eat nor healthier options. The blog discussed how on the next visit to the store, we “consider which items not to buy. These products can rattle PR pros by planting negative subliminal messages in their psyches.” Continue reading →
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What are some tips to create your own content through content you have curated?
Last week while on a business trip, I struck up a conversation with a gentleman seated next to me on the plane (who also happened to be a tech marketer) about content curation and how difficult it can be at times to keep up with the barrage of information flowing through the Web. We discussed all of the curation tools available, what we liked and didn’t like about them and successful ways to organize consistent, timely, and relevant information updates to our respective communities that kept them active and engaged. During the discussion I asked him what he thought was the key to successful curation that helps a marketer create their own meaningful, innovative content. After all, successful content curation requires the right mix of original content to help maximize SEO potential.
As we bask in early September sunshine it’s hard to imagine Christmas is just around the corner. But in the marketing world, it is looming. I am now starting to receive journalist requests for Christmas gift ideas and festive-themed features on a daily basis, so any brands that have not yet planned their strategies needs to act fast to get ahead of the curve. Continue reading →
Imagine this scenario for a moment, you have a Happy Customer who is directly responsible for more than $12,000 of your referral sales. Happy customer drank the Kool-Aid and was so enthused about your product or service that they convinced 10 friends to drink the Kool-Aid too. Happy customer referred your business time and again over a four year span. Continue reading →
The law of propinquity states that the greater physical (or psychological) proximity between people, the greater the chance that they will form friendships or romantic relationships. It was first theorized by psychologists Leon Festinger, Stanley Schachter, and Kurt Back in what came to be called the Westgate studies conducted at MIT (1950).
There are various types of propinquity including Industry/Occupational Propinquity, in which similar people working in the same field or job tend to be attracted to one another. Residential Propinquity, in which people living in the same area or within neighborhoods of each other tend to come together. And Acquaintance Propinquity, a form of proximity in existence when friends tends to have a special bond of interpersonal attraction.