Tag Archives: timeline for brands

Marking Facebook Milestones

Do you know the history of your company? Aside from the date it was founded, do you know when the important milestones occurred? If you don’t, use the new Facebook for Timeline feature to find out!

You company has a rich history and your clients (fans in Facebook lingo) most likely don’t know about all those great things you did in the past. This is an opportunity to politely brag about your past accomplishments and reiterate to your customers that you are around for the long haul.  Continue reading

Why You Should Use Facebook Timeline – the Best Brand Implementations

I’ve seen a lot of changes happen when it comes to social media and public relations – how the two fit together, and where they fit within a company’s organizational structure, has changed over the years.  A few years ago, when I was agency-side, I witnessed firsthand the struggle between creative shops, interactive agencies, and public relations agencies to win social media accounts.

Since then, social media has grown exponentially.  In that growth and wide acceptance, it’s been carved into pieces – content, software and creative.

PR pros have won the content battle.  But creative resources from an in-house designer or creative team are essential.   Today’s social networks are becoming more and more visual and without the help of a great design team, your initiatives aren’t going to be as successful.   Continue reading