Just the other day, a friend suggested I become a fan of a Denver Yoga Group on Facebook. First, the one and only time I tried yoga, I spent the whole time trying not to laugh as those around me meditated – yeah, relaxation isn’t really my thing. Secondly, I don’t live in Denver, so why would this group be relevant to me at all?
Every day it seems that someone is suggesting I become a fan of something or inviting me to an event on the opposite coast. Maybe they assume that because I’m their pal, I’ll do whatever they want. Then I’ll pop onto Twitter and witness people begging for more followers. From fans to followers, it appears there are those in social media land that are obsessed with the numbers game. Continue reading →
So we’ve all (hopefully) gotten over the importance of the Twitter follower count. Nonetheless you’ve got to have some core group of people you’re talking with or it’s just you shouting at the mountain. So the question remains what can you do, particularly when you’re new on Twitter to get followers (or more accurately, find your community). And so, a step by step guide from signing up to getting your first few followers. This post, of course, supplements TJ’s, on how the PRBC folks decide who they follow.
This might be particularly useful if you’ve got a friend that’s recently decided to join the SM world as part of a New Year’s Resolution (or your client’s CEO is just not getting ‘it.’)
First: Continue reading →
Editor’s Note: As some of you know the PRBC founding bloggers exchange e-mails quite a bit. On most workdays we trade between 150-200 msgs per day. We talk about everything – potential posts (seeking input and conflict checking), insight on an outlet, formal PRBC events, informal area events all the way to dinner plans and what one should wear to one of these events. It’s really a bit scary.
This entire post started with a brainstorming e-mail after I happened to see a GMail ad for a twitter profile builder. This one happened to intrigue me (the ad was well written). And so … in most of its glory, most of its ‘rough around the edgedness’ and edited for readability, part of our message thread. From the first message to the last one included here a total of 1 hour and 1 minute passed.~Cog Continue reading →
…..a chance to start the day off right.