Category Archives: Nathan “PRCog” Burgess

PR Pro’s New Year’s Resolutions

Boy and Girl in Party Hats Blowing NoisemakersIt’s that time of year again – time for reflection over the last 12 months, time to consider our victories and our losses, time for copious amounts of champagne and other adult beverages, and time to improve ourselves for the coming year.  And so, in no particular order (and with varying degrees of humor, sarcasm and (hopefully) wit)… Continue reading

Letter To The Editor

Quill pen and ink well

We’ve got another one folks — a letter to the editor, oddly enough in the (oh so dear to my heart) “Dear Editor” format.  The writer?  A “PR Gal” who would prefer to remain nameless.

Dear Editor,

This isn’t working out.  The whole You-Me-Client trio. This fable we  laughingly call a relationship.

I’m done.  Simply put – this is the worst relationship I’ve ever been in and I’ve dated some losers.  I’m sick and tired of living in fear of you, quivering at your number on my caller ID, and getting panic-stricken at the sight of your e-mail address rolling into my inbox. Continue reading

Serve Your Employees

Business 3It’s been over five years since I first entered this biz.  In that time I’ve worked in a single small agency.  We don’t do a lot of office birthday party type celebrations but we’re all family.  There are a number of benefits to working in such a firm – the office manager doesn’t bean count days out, part days may not even count against your vacation/sick days, we’re all relatively familiar with each other’s clients, etc.

There are, however, a number of dangers of working in such an office.  After speaking with some flackery brethren at various events it seems a number of these are recurrent themes among small firms.

Some of these come with the territory and are difficult to fix.  Others can be easily fixed. Continue reading

Celebrate Surviving Another Year

Hey NYC-area folks — we’re doing it again!  Come celebrate with us and the rest of your media / communications brethren on surviving another year on the front lines.  This time we’re getting together at Jack Dempsey’s in midtown on December 29th after work.  Please RSVP at the page for yourself and any others in your party if you’ll be attending so we can warn inform the venue of how many we should expect.  Any questions – drop me a note. Continue reading

Irony At Its Finest

Mans hand with crossed fingersWhen a client hires a PR pro they are relying on a number of different traits that that person (or firm) projects during the RFP or pitching process. These will vary from sector to sector but certainly include strategic thinking, writing skills, relationships with press (or influencers), etc. Perhaps chief among these are the person’s trustworthiness. The client wants to know they can inform the PR pro of upcoming notable company events or newsworthy announcements – everything from news of employee cuts to earnings reports – and be secure in the knowledge the pro will keep this information close to their chest. Continue reading

How lists may have saved us

Clipboard with checklistIt seems everyone hates Twitter lists.  Among the top complaints are that they’re just another way to make cliques and make some feel less deserving than others. This is certainly a valid point, but there’s a gold mine of a benefit it seems no one has considered (or shouted loudly enough about) — one of the major upsides may have in fact have helped save Twitter (at least in how it applies to PR/Marketing).  There are, of course, some downsides besides the clique factor… Continue reading

Catch Us Live…

This post’ll be at the top of the page for a few days. Daily posts appear below this one starting at 12:01 a.m. Eastern.

As some of you may have caught through our prior tweets, members of the PRBC will be presenting at Ragan’s 2010 Best Practices in Media Relations Summit on March 3, 2010 in New York City.

In addition to hearing some of your favorite (hush, we know it’s true) PRBC-ers — Mr. Trivitt, Ms. Dueitt, Ms. Cyr, Ms. Khoury, Ms. Greco, and yours truly — pontificate on social media, there are other unbelievable speakers, from some fantastic companies, you definitely shouldn’t miss.  What organizations you ask? Oh let’s see here, companies like – Ketchum, BusinessWeek, Levick, USA Today, Edelman, Dow Jones, etc…

Check out all the description and presenter info at the link above, register and we’ll see you there.  Knowing us, it’s also not entirely impossible that there will be some post-event festivities (#JustSayin’).  Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.
