Tag Archives: communications

5 Communications Lessons From Dave Grohl & The Foo Fighters

I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to write this post, but what actually inspired it was a comment by the fantastic Jason Mollica over on the book of face. Without going into any further detail, here’s 5 comms lessons from Dave & Co.  NB: These could also be general professional and life lessons:

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Isaac Lessons Learned

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Hurricane Isaac makes landfall. © by Official U.S. Navy Imagery

Well New Orleans is finally surfacing after Hurricane Isaac made an appearance in our city. As a communicator it was hard to be without power. No power may mean no AC and everything in your fridge is spoiling but to a communicator no power means no TV and no internet. I was so desperate for information and to connect with the outside world that I went as low as to “watch” the radio. Continue reading