Tag Archives: pitching

Why Evergreen Stories Die

Evergreen stories mean the content is permanently fresh and always newsworthy – sounds like a media pitching slam dunk, right? Unfortunately, in today’s constantly moving news cycle evergreen stories don’t make it to air because they can be pushed for another day, and another day, and so often fall off a producer’s radar.

I’ve heard from practitioners who brainstorm evergreen topics internally and then get their clients, who are experts in a specific field, to layer on a juicy details germane to the moment – yet on the flip side I know folks who confirm evergreen topics with their clients and then pitch out when they can piggyback on a hot topic in the news. No matter the process, the fact remains that our end goal is to secure a story and an evergreen story alone won’t open up doors much less land a spot on the nightly news. Continue reading

From Mail to Maker’s Mark: A Scale for Assessing Flack-Reporter Relationships

The Coffee-Serving Security Guard © by Qole Pejorian

Every PR pro has been in the scenario: the team is gathered in a conference room. The topic of media comes up, and various names are bandied about. Then the boss growls, “who has a relationship with that reporter?” The implication is clear: in a business of connections, the person doing the pitching should have some sort of tie to the writer/editor/blogger in question.

Invariably, someone pipes up, claiming they have a relationship with the reporter in question. But the word “relationship” is fuzzy, Continue reading

Merry Blog Christmas

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Holiday Card © by the prodigal untitled13

Temperatures are starting to get cooler in areas of the country. Do you know what that means? You are behind on your Christmas PR plan!

If you are buried under in your daily to-do list and Christmas seems like a million years from now….snap out of it. You may have missed the majority of the Christmas spreads in the most desirable magazines but you can still pull it off. Continue reading