All posts by Nathan Burgess ("PRCog")

Gone (Ice) Fishin’

Dearest readers –

Thank you for making our lil blog a part of your daily reading.  We wouldn’t be here (for better or worse 😉 ) without your loyal attention, blog post proposals, submissions, tweets, Facebook shares, and so forth and so on.

But, it’s that time of year – EOY reports, holiday parties, travel … so we’re taking our winter vacation.  We’ll probably pop back in for any major breaking PR snafus or other news, but until our return in the first week of January, take a peek at our top ten posts of 2011 (presented in alpha order below 😉 ) to see if there were any gems you missed.

Happy New Year,

~N Continue reading

Why I’d Rather Hire a Liberal Arts Student than a PR Student

Over the last few months I’ve had the pleasure to recruit and interview a number of potential employees – and see and speak to a number of amazingly unsuitable candidates. I went back afterwards to see if there was a trend among the candidates (and other students / young pros I didn’t think would be a good fit (I always keep an eye out for possible recruitment)).

And in-fact there did seem to be a trend (at least for me). Continue reading

Five Ways Being in PR is Like Running a Group Blog

A brief note before we really get into today’s post – you may have noticed a trend in our posts since Monday – all the posts are lists of metaphors explaining why PR (or social media, metrics, analytics or some other aspect of the biz) is like something else.  The great metaphor post – only we’re doing ’em in series.  If you’d like to offer up your own contribution to the effort, drop me a line.

In the 2+ years I’ve gotten plenty of questions about how we “manage” to get the blog published every day, usually on time, and how things are scheduled, setup, arranged, enforced, etc. etc.  Most of those secrets are in the vault with the KFC original recipe recipe, but it’s occurred to me, not infrequently, putting this show on the road every day is quite a bit like working in PR in general: Continue reading