12for12K hits the ground running in 2010

The folks over at 12for12K, which strives to change the world through social media and which has been mentioned here, in one manner or another, over the last few months certainly have their hands full only 15 days into the new year.

Following the massive earthquake that hit Haiti in recent days the group partnered with Hope for Haiti to raise funds for the relief effort.

So far the 12for12K-ers have raised $4,160, but there’s an anonymous blogger who will donate $1,000 if the group reaches $7,000 by Sunday.

To further up the ante, 12for12K supporter and professor/entrepreneur Amelia Maness-Gilliland will donate 100% of all sales from the first five people to buy her Resume packages – details here.

Additionally, Mr. Danny Brown (12for12K founder) himself and some other folks may be offering social media audits at a reduced price with all fees going to the charity and there may be some Headway theme magic in the works.
As it stands the group needs under $3,000, less than $1,000 per day to hit the $7,000 mark.  Let’s make it a happy Friday, great weekend, and let’s work on making this anonymous blogger $1,000 poorer.

Pitch Yourself — Round 2

Man and woman at desk with LED sign saying big pitchBefore we kick off Pitch Yourself Round 2, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all the fantastic feedback we’ve received so far on this intiative.  We’ve heard from many people who agree with us about the value we are offering our job-hunting readers with this opportunity- and that’s exciting!  (By the way, if you’re new to PRBC and Pitch Yourself, read all about it here). Round 2 was just as fun to put together as the first one with Holly Grande, and we hope you enjoy checking it out. Continue reading

Hometown Celebrity Spokesmen

Nicole Polizzi, aka Snooki from MTV's popular Jersey Shore , joins her castmates at STK in LADoes everybody have a “celebrity” spokesperson from their town, organization, or something they are involved in? I feel like everyone has a connection to someone who claimed their “15 minutes.” From reality TV romances, to a big ass brawl that is being talked about for weeks, these “celebrities” are representatives of more than what they are portraying on television…They are representatives of you.  I could go on and on and say how Jerry Seinfeld went to my college, as did Al Roker, and Rob from Survivor All Stars, but I think it’s more fun to talk about the more directly connected ones to me.  I am interested to see who else is connected to the people that read this post. Continue reading

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow…

Close-up of a mid adult man throwing away papersDid I really just Google “resignation” letters?! Four years, six months and 19 days after stepping foot in the doors of STC Associates I was making the choice to accept an opportunity at a new agency. At the same time I would be saying goodbye to the place I’ve called home for nearly a fifth of my life … and continue to work there as a technical employee until my “notice” was complete. Continue reading

Where do you find inspiration? Apparently I get mad

Businessman standing under light bulbI find inspiration to write PRBC blog posts in the strangest places at the oddest times. This one (not so strange or odd) was after a long day at the office while driving home on the parking lot us Connecticut-ites like to call I-84.

Let’s face it. We all hit a “wall.” Some of us blog daily, some weekly, some monthly. At some point inspiration runs a little thin…if not entirely OUT. Coming up with fresh blog posts all the time gets a little bit tiresome, draining and can be overwhelming. Even being surrounded daily by our topic of choice (PR and Social Media), we can be at a loss. Continue reading

Can Crisco Go Virgin?

an oil bottleIn recent months I’ve become very interested in all things branding. It takes blood, sweat, and tears to build a brand’s reputation and even more to maintain it. I’ve recently noticed the amount of people who choose to use popular brand names synonymously with the common nouns or verbs. For example  Kleenex: tissue. Google: look up. Levi’s: blue jeans. Dockers: khaki’s. Now, I’m saving the legality and pros and cons on this for a later post, but what I want to know is what happens when a brand’s name is used negatively, like Crisco. Continue reading

The Scripps vs. Cablevision Communications Throwdown

Television Cable Male EndAre you currently in a state of withdrawal due to a lack of Paula Deen’s y’alls? Guy Fieri’s awful backward sunglasses?  Ina Garten’s use of the phrase “Good Vanilla”?  Even Rachael Ray completing a spin of EVOO around the pan?  Then you must be a fellow member of the unfortunate club of people who depend on Cablevision for all their television needs. Even if you weren’t one of the unfortunate souls who turned their TV on the morning of January 1st and realized they couldn’t watch Food Network or HGTV, it’s likely you’ve heard of the current controversy. Continue reading

Breaking: Conan O’Brien is better than you

Disney's Imagination Movers In Los Angeles. . . at communicating.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard about the strange shake-ups at NBC that left their weekday lineup in limbo. Tuesday, Conan O’Brien issued a public response, in effect refusing to move down his Tonight Show to a later time.

Here is the breakdown of why Conan’s statement is the best press release of all time. Pay close attention, flacks. Continue reading

Manager vs Leader: Are You A Trusted Advisor?

Portrait of a businessman standing with his four colleagues in opposite directionsBarely a year into my journey as a small business owner, I’m learning valuable skills and lessons that enable me to do my job better. Now, I’m not talking about building media lists or drafting messaging documents, but what it means to be a trusted advisor, someone who has the ear of a client, offering counsel to help their business grow.

I’m learning that to be an advisor I need to focus on the client’s needs and not my own; to help them grow will help me grow. I’m learning that I can’t rest on what’s “tried and true” all the time and that I need to undergo constant reinvention; to find new ways to service my client. Most importantly, I’m learning to place the highest value on maintaining the relationship; to prove to my clients that I am here for the long haul, not just for the length of the immediate contract. Continue reading

Think Tank: Music Publicity – Then and Now

Close-up of a young man listening to an MP3 playerEach area of public relations, from crisis to consumer, fashion to technology, all have their own specific rules and methodologies. I kicked off my PR career in the music industry, and I continue to have a strong interest in this particular sector.  I left music in the midst of the exploding blogosphere – where music criticism was in question, magazines were folding one by one, and bloggers were becoming the new tastemakers.

I thought this would be the perfect time to take a look at what’s going on in the music PR world and see what’s changed, what’s stayed the same, and what the future holds. Continue reading